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art work by Sabine Neuhauß
created during the Movalogue 2018

Join Movalogue@home

Movalogue is a global village of humans dancing with each other to express richness and diversity and making trans-continental connection a felt experience. It is rooted in Social Presencing Theater and other Social Arts.

​In our Open Movalogue calls we invite you to step into a global social field to connect, strengthen and sense what wants to emerge with an open mind, heart and will.  

​Come and join us every third Tuesday of the month 
at 10am EST*/ 4pm CEST/ 10pm Singapore time*
*Please be aware of possible local time changes

​The recurring counter stones of the agenda are:

  • ​sense into what is present in the social field

  • ​follow energy and flow of the emergent

  • ​keep space to let body intelligence show up

  • ​listen to the edges

  • sense and express through visual arts

​Please bring something to write and draw as we might create some space for playful creativity.



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